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Compare and contrast christianity and islam Essay

Compare and contrast christianity and islam - Essay ExampleThis, perhaps, is as a result of the fact that Islam follows Christianity the chronology of world religions. Some – and they would not be completely wrong to suggest it – suggest that Islam is built from the writings and teachings of Christianity. This essay will examine the similarities and the differences between these two dominant world faiths through a discussion focused on two distinctly different yet related stories contained their respective scriptures, the Bible and the Qu’ran; the stories of Ascension and Armageddon.If we look for commonalties between Islam and Christianity, one of the most poignant commonalities is the ascension of Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad. In Christianity, the ascension of Christ is discussed without ambiguity in Acts 1:9-11, and is referenced with less specificity in Luke 24:51 (Filson, Floyd, 1956, p. 49).
